Wholistic Nutrition & Chiropractic Ctr.
Wholistic Nutrition & Chiropractic Ctr.
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Browse Our Services
Welcome to our practice! I encourage you to read through this brief description of our services and testimonials. Contact us if you are interested in more information. A free 1/2 hr consult about our nutrition and/or chiropractic services is available.
Offering compassionate care to support you as an individual. I will listen to your needs and offer a personal plan through my experience and knowledge in nutrition and gentle chiropractic care.
I will inform and educate you concerning improved nutrition though NOT requiring that you give up your favorite foods but to slowly introduce nutritious wholesome foods. Your body's innate ability to heal is enhanced by healthy eating. (For most we begin by adding vegetables).
We will begin wherever you are on your path.
It is TRUE that the "better" you eat the better you feel! Experts know that
improving your nutrition ALONE can make you 50% healthier!!!
Allow us to share what we know with you.
Slow easy steps leads to success!
We can support you with weight issues, blood sugar concerns, endocrine gland problems (thyroid-adrenals), sleep, energy issues and more!
An active lifestyle is an integral part of staying healthy.
Many options are at your disposal. It is important that you
enjoy every aspect of your program.
And please know that what you THINK affects how you FEEL.

To consider gentle chiropractic care is your option. Keeping your nervous system clear and functioning well is vital for pain relief, improved digestion, better sleep, treating infection, injury care and overall PREVENTION.
If whatever you are involved in for care of your concerns is not working or if you are searching for mutual care, I urge you to consider proven alternatives. Let my over twenty five years of experience and education guide you.
We also offer whole food natural supplements
and herbs to further support your healing experience. (Standard Process,
MediHerb, & LifeVantage Products)
My services are available by appointment only. I also offer home and phone consultations. Get in touch today to begin your healing! You will quickly know and feel if what I offer is right for you.
Call or email me today!
New Service: I offer on line consultations in nutrition, wellness advice and support. Please get in touch if you or your workplace are interested in this opportunity.
I am also available to give presentations to small or medium sized groups on topics including chiropractic, nutrition, ergonomics and lifestyle wellness. I have many years of experience in teaching and presenting. NEVER PASS UP A CHANCE TO LEARN!!
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